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The Upside App

Jan 26, 2022

 Interesting enough as you take a look at this blogs post lead photo, you can see that what was once a sort of "comedic apocalyptic scene" from the movie " I am Legend", has actually become a quite the reality without a visual "punch-line" in site.

Now filling up at the pump does not necessarily have to be a drag on your wallet as  there is an app that has been around for at least three years, that very few people are likely to even to know exists today that can  help drivers like yourself earn cash-back at selected gas stations nationwide.

The biggest question you may be asking yourself, is it too good to be true? and how does it work? Well, we are going to cover the details in this posting.

Its called "Get Upside" and its an app that claims to save you money through partnering with various gas stations, restaurants, and grocery stores. All you have to do is download the app, provide your email address, and start saving with the app for expenses you are likely to have anyhow.

Not only can you create a "pseudo savings" account with the cash back method from purchases made at the pump and the grocery store, the Get Upside app also allows you to partake in redeeming your cash back rewards via an eclectic array of merchant gift cards. Sweet Right?

                                                                          Is that all?

I suppose I can share one last thing, if you are really interested. Get Upside app  also has a referral program for the link share crew, that are fanatical about affiliate marketing or link sharing. Of course helping your younger brother, sister, or friends saving a little at the pump is a good thing too and you should definitely share this with friends, co-workers, and family.

Nevertheless, the referral network program works like this. New sign ups will receive an extra 15¢/gal bonus and  you'll also get a one time 15¢/gal bonus for each referral. Plus you'll earn 1¢/gal for every gallon they buy in the future.


Want to check this out for yourself? Take advantage now by clicking this link HERE

Happy Savings!




Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned in this article. This article does contain affiliate links.


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