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Economic Organization in 2022- Building a Bank on a Budget January 15, 2022

Jan 15, 2022

With so much that happened over the past two years, there is absolutely much to consider for your future. Will I have enough for retirement? How long will it actually take me to pay off my student loans? Can I really afford this new car? So many questions that cycle in and out of our minds on a daily and regular basis.

"SO WHERE DO I BEGIN ALREADY!?'' That is a great question, and I will do my best to help you with that.

The very first decision that everyone should make is this. You ready?

I want you actually do this, seriously now, and once you discover what this is, you will never be the same. This is the foundation secret weapon of Economic-Organization, Wealth Building, Money Management and winning with any monetary goal that you currently have, or vision of success you desire see made manifest.


Write down every bill that you have, rent, mortgage, as well as every monthly subscription, (yes even the HULU too) then multiply each bill separately by 12 to get your annual bill number.

Your annual bill number is  incredibly important because it first allows you to become more in tune with  your personal economics. 



1.Cell Phone - $80/Month - $80x12=$960/annually

2.Rent/Mortgage- $1600/Month - $1600x12=$19,200/annually

With our example above, and even with you having a slight variation of the above amounts for rent/mortgage and a cell phone bill, you can clearly see that how easy it is to cross the $20,000 barrier. 

Now you might be thinking, "spell wow backwards", or "I have never done this before."  after you actually finish this process with all of your bills on your own. Some of you may feel disheartened while others will feel a sense of clarity, or both. Either way its important to know your numbers. I want to assure you that what you just accomplished is amazingly powerful, and I am sincerely proud of you for doing so!


This is the only thing I want you to do at this point. Become well acquainted with your annual bill numbers, once you become comfortable with these numbers at the emotional awareness level, multiply the annual bill numbers by 5 years, then 10, then 20 years.

You have know taken your first step in Building a Bank on a Budget.

Ciao for Now! 

*** Special Request *******

Be sure to check out the Media Section of the site and listen to the Ineffable Media Podcast to further expand your mindset.


Here at Mental Alchemy Brands we like to remind everyone how important it is to take action on your goals, desires, and dreams. Whatever they are, you must get started on them NOW! The runway of your economic wealth journey is incapsulated in a "Time Money Bubble" filled with various twists and turns as you grow into the new you. 

We have helped a countless number of people get out of their own way and we can help you too. 



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